Hello World! I am Eric Stigler. Currently, I'm a full-time student at UT Austin studying Computer Science. I plan on using this site to host and showcase some of my personal projects.

Check out a few of my HTML-based projects:



This is my go to programming language. Although I am always trying to learn others, I always find myself coming back to Python. Mostly anything I work on is in this language.


My first experience with cybersecurity was competing in the National Cyber Scholarship Competition. After winning a scholarship through the competition, I took a cybersecurity foundations course with the SANS Institute.


Most of the National Cyber Scholarship Competition had to be completed using the Linux OS and SANS Foundations covered Linux extensively. These experiences, along with playing around on my own Linux virtual machine, have made me highly familiar with the Linux OS.

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GitHub Projects

Most of my non-HTML-based projects can be found on my GitHub page. (Including my 1st 100 Project Euler solutions)